how (do we work)
what (do we do)
who (can benefit)
why (are we needed)
where (do we do our tasks)
when (are we needed)
feedback (from previous clients)
Creating Alternatives..., L.L.C. is useful to anyone managing a business where business success is defined by satisfying the needs of customers. The processes developed by Creating Alternatives target the interface between the world of suppliers and the world of the customers. Frequently, this interface is defined by regulation, environment, polotics, financial considerations, and other factors as well as the competition. A benefactor of appropriate market analysis may exist anywhere in this spectrum.
A supplier can discover new product or services advantages and test them against other factors such as legislative threats or local political constraints. A government regulator might test the impact of new regultion ideas against threats to availability or citizen acceptance. Even the purchaser might discover the impact new or different specifications could have in the supplier community.
Creating Alternatives has worked with corporate boards as well as product line managers in formulating business strategies. Frequently, we find the client needs guidance in the formulation of a statement of work defining the tasks to be accomplished by the contractor. We can assist in this development. We will craft a set of tasks, milestones, and quantifiable deliverables for the client in language clearly understood by both parties prior to starting the project. In fact, we find the most successful projects involve well defined tasks delivered on a fixed price basis.
So, if you are embarking on a new journey and want to better uderstand the environment in which your business decisions are taken, then we are likely in a position to help.